Interkal Bleacher System

What makes Interkal Bleachers the right choice:
Product is 100% made in the U.S.A.
First row power, thus eliminating the use of your staff when opening and closing
12” seats which weight almost twice as much as the competition
5 deck supports per section compared to 3 per section by others. Thus reducing the chance of sagging which in the gym now has occurred ( watched the staff try to open and close the bleacher ugh)
Aisle rails that fold into the system without any Manuel labor or moving parts. The bleachers are always in code.
Nose beam is the highest gauge in the industry
Sway braces are real steel not flat stock.
Weight of each bank we clearly list this as Interkal makes better designed seats with more ruggedness as well as added steel to the under structure
Also have included wheel travel for the floor contractor along with weight so they can design blocking for your new floor
This is just a few reasons why Interkal is the best made bleacher system in the world. Interkal is the bleacher system of choice from architects who want to build a great gym.